Tuscany on Wattpad

My friend has been sharing some exciting news everywhere! Stephanie Hurt’s entry into the Harlequin SYTYCW15 contest made it to the top 50 which is just plain out awesome. I’ve read it on Wattpad and I now want to go to Tuscany, Italy.

So, in order for her to get to the top 25 which would be just beyond great, she needs as many votes as possible, so let’s give her some support and go by https://www.wattpad.com/story/48304085-tuscany-sytycw15 and vote on the pitch part 1.

Are you a book collector?

books8My husband calls me a book collector. It got me to thinking about what made him say that? Well, it could be the hundreds of books I have. Yep, I’ve actually got boxes of actual books that you can hold in your hand. You don’t have to recharge them, load them, or look them up.

I guess to him I am a collector. My book collection started when I was a teenager which was, well let’s just say a while ago. I have teen romance books from my teen years, and yes I even have a Hardy Boys Mystery book. Wow that ones old. I have Harlequins on top of Harlequins. What’s sad is I’ve probably read some of them at least twice if not three times.

Some of my books are lovingly worn from page turns and just plain old age. Now don’t get me wrong. I love my Kindle. I have probably fifty or more books on it. It’s actually plugged up to my laptop as I type this blog. It needed recharging so I’m killing two birds with one stone.

SO, take a look at your book collection. It’s like a trip down memory lane. I even pulled a couple out of the attic and will be reading them again 🙂

Hope all is well and keep on reading. Writers love readers…