Cover Reveal for Nadia’s Revenge






ImageNadia’s Revenge is coming soon. It’s the last installment in the My Prodigy Trilogy. This one will be darker than the other two, but for fans of the first two you don’t want to miss this one. It will have you on the edge of your seat. I’ve been on the edge of my seat with it and I’m the writer. 

I love the cover design. It goes so well with the book and I couldn’t be happier. The ladies over at Horseshoe Publishing really outdid theirselves this time. As for the release date, I’ll let you know really soon. Let’s just say it’s in the works.

As for more to come, I have a new series coming soon called “As My Heart Beats” and it will be hot! I’ll be revealing the covers soon on this series too. The covers are completed but I want to be closer to the first release before I dangle that carrot.

I hope everyone is doing well and keep up the reading…

Writing Like Crazy…

I know I haven’t been on here much, but I’ve been on a writing binge. I have several books in the works and it’s been crazy. I can’t seem to get my head around anything but writing when I have spare time. I guess that’s a good thing since I’m a writer, but I miss all my friends here when I stay away.

I’m excited to announce that the cover for the 3rd and final installment of the My Prodigy Trilogy – “Nadia’s Revenge” is finally complete. I’ll be doing a cover reveal in the next couple of days. It’s a very interesting cover and when you see it you’ll be intrigued. If you’ve read the first 2 books then you know some of the meaning of the cover, but that’s all I’m saying at the moment. 

Then of course I have the next book in the Chasing Cowboys Series, “How My Cowboy Loves Me” in the works. The cover is in play but not completely finished. I’ve changed it up three times and my designer is probably about ready to put me in one of my books and kill me off.

I also have “The Fireman’s Desire” and “Captive Touch” in the works, but I’ve put them on the back burner for a little bit as I work feverishly on the two above books. But I can tell you that these two books will be sexy and have some heated scenes. The covers will be hot and I’ve already got them in my head, which really scares my designer. When I start obsessing over pictures and fonts she just laughs and starts searching. 

So, I haven’t forgotten all my friends here. Since I’m a writer I will be back in a couple of days to give you an update. Hopefully when the binge calms I’ll be back to normal or somewhat normal posts. As you know from my writing, I’m not normal, so I’ll do my best.

Hope all is well and keep up the responses. I love hearing from my adoring fans. The life of a writer is a blast and I hope to keep you guys in the loop with me.


Cover Reveal for Not This Time



I’m very happy to share with you the cover for my upcoming book, Not This Time. My author friend and mentor, Stephanie Payne Hurt, helped out with the cover by way of letting me use her cover designer. I forwarded the pictures and my ideas and her designer, Kaleigh Payne, took over. We were discussing upcoming works in progress and as you know, she writes a lot about cowboys and since my new series is about cowboys, and she has done a lot of covers with cowboys, I think I made the right move. 

Here is a small excerpt from Not This Time. I hope you enjoy.

“Good morning sleepy head. How are you this morning?” He kissed her forehead.

“I’m pleasantly tired and a little sore.” She turned red as she said it. He laughed and hugged her.

“Well, that’s normal. It was a busy night, but wonderful.” He held her close.

“It was like a dream. I’m still not sure it wasn’t a dream.” She snuggled closer to him.

He smiled into her hair. “Well, my dear, it wasn’t a dream. If it was, I don’t want to wake up.” He sighed. “I hope you haven’t regretted staying with me last night. It was humbling knowing you gave your virtue to me.”

She held her breath for a moment. Then let it out slowly. “It has always been yours for the taking. I hope you know that.” 

Stephanie Payne Hurt and her cover designer, Kaleigh Payne, are more than willing to help other authors with cover design and editing, as they are looking into starting up a small publishing company.