Writing for fun…

Have you ever tried to just write for fun? I’ve got a couple of stories hidden away that were just whims that I wrote down. I may one day put them into a book as short stories. It’s amazing how a writers mind works sometimes. One minute I’m deep into the research for a novel and the next minutes I’m off chasing rabbits down the rabbit hole. (I love Alice In Wonderland). 

I have a couple of short stories that I’m playing with now. I hope to have them out really soon. I will give you a little info on them. They’re 3 very sexy stories that happen at the beach. The name of the coupling of books is “Passion In The Sand”. The individual stories are “Passion for one Night” “Passion for one Weekend” and “Passion for a Lifetime”. I’m really excited about this rabbit hole I jumped in with both feet.

Now, for those that have been emailing me about the 2nd installment of “My Prodigy” called “The Calm Before The Storm”, don’t fret. It’s in the final stages and the cover is almost ready. I think you will be surprised what happens and how.

As soon as the cover is finished I will post a sneak peak. If you haven’t read the first installment, “Sweet Innocence” you might want to catch up. It’s only $.99 on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, and many other sites. If you love sexy vampires, go ahead, indulge with a glass of wine and a sexy book…