Writing a Trilogy

As you know if you follow my blog, I’m working on a trilogy called “My Prodigy”. I’m on the second part and it’s going really well. The fun part about a trilogy is you get to leave the reader hanging and have them waiting on the next installment.

The tricky part is where do you stop? Where do you leave off each time to keep the reader interested? It has to be a pivotal moment, but what if there are several moments like that? Sometimes that’s the fun of writing, knowing when to step back and look at your work from the readers point of view. 

That’s where I am now on the 2nd installment. I’m trying to get to a good stopping point so that the story just hangs. Hopefully another night of typing and I’ll have it.

Have a great night everyone and if you enjoy writing, go for it…

After Hours – Released today…

ImageWell, I guess surprise, surprise. I’m releasing “After Hours” today and it was not supposed to be out for another two weeks, but I managed to get the release pushed up. I’m excited about this one as it’s one that has been in the works for a while. Sometimes my short novellas take longer than the long novels. Amazing.

Here’s a little snippet and it’s PG but the book isn’t so beware.

He noticed that she was watching the dancers. Would she think it was weird if he asked her to dance? “Would you like to dance?” He tried to act casual, but his body was thinking about how it would be to have her rubbing against him. Would it be too much for his control?

“That would be nice if you want to.” She got up and he took her hand to guide her onto the floor with the other dancers. She glided into his arms. At first they danced with a little space between them but soon the mixture of the crowded dance floor and the wine they were against one another.

He closed his eyes as she laid her head against his chest. The slow rhythmic music had them in a trance. They were in a world of their own. She was afraid to look up into his eyes, knowing what she’d see in his eyes. She knew the signals she was getting from his body. His arousal was very prominent against her midsection.

He finally brought his hand down to her chin lifting it so he could look in her eyes. He had to know if this was affecting her in the same way it was killing him. One look and his suspicions were confirmed. Her lids were heavy with desire. He lowered his head and lightly brushed his lips against her forehead, moving down to her closed eyelids and across her cheek, then down to her succulent mouth just waiting for his kiss. He knew he had to keep his head. 

Well, that was just a little snippet but you get the picture.

It’s going up on Amazon, Smashwords and Allromanceebooks.com today. Should be on Barnes & Noble and other retailers within a week or so.

Enjoy your day and get a little romance…

Passion in The Sand

I’m working on a trilogy of sorts. It’s going to be one book with three stories. Would that be a trilogy? I don’t know, but it’s three separate stories. 

The book in whole is called Passion In The Sand. Each individual story is named: Passion One Night, Passion For one Weekend and Passion For A Lifetime. Interested yet. The stories are as you can tell from the name, very passion oriented short stories. There’s something sexy about sand, ocean and sun.

The other two I’m working on also are the 2nd book to the My Prodigy Trilogy and the cover was completed today. I’ll be revealing it soon. Also playing with a ghost story with a romantic flare. I just love the paranormal. Maybe the ghost I live with will play into it. Never know what will happen.

It’s funny how a writer has so many stories and not enough time to get them on paper. Hopefully I can get these out soon. I have a couple of fans that are having a small fit wanting the My Prodigy Trilogy out. That’s exciting when people are wanting your work.

Hope all is well and have a great night.

Writing and thinking

Sometimes when I write I catch myself in another world. Maybe it’s just me, but I lose myself in my work. What’s funny is I can be working on a manuscript and thinking about the next chapter as I type.

I know that sounds strange, but it’s like I’m thinking ahead. I catch myself doing it all the time. When I do it though I always go back and read what I typed because I’m never sure if my brain typed the right word. 

Maybe it’s my brain multitasking. I love writing so much that I try to fit in all I can when I sit down to write. 

So do you write and think at the same time.


As the wind blows…

It’s been a couple of days since my last post. I’ve been steadily working on my newest book. I hope to have it ready for review and edit in the next week. Since the cover is completed I feel more inspired than ever to get it done. 

Here in Georgia the rain is pouring from Tropical Storm Andrea. It’s going to be a possibly stormy night, but that makes for good writing. I do hope all my cyber friends are doing alright in the storm.

As I’ve been working on my book, something came to me. As a writer we have the opportunity to go anywhere we want to and be anyone we want to be. That is through our writing. I can spend an hour in Italy and then go to Spain if that’s where my characters go. I can be a vampire, vampire’s lover or a cowgirl. It’s up to me.

So hoping all is well and will keep you up to date on my newest work.

12,000 words and still going…

Well, it’s turned into a writing bonanza. My newest work “Not This Time” has just passed 12,000 words. It’s going a lot better than I’d even imagined. 

I had a really sweet message form a fan of the “My Prodigy” series last night on Goodreads. It’s really cool to hear from my fans or as I call them friends. I’ve been really surprised at the results from this series. 

My tip for the day is to make sure you get up and walk around periodically. Of course I learned this the hard way earlier. When I got up to get a drink and snack my legs let me know exactly how neglected they were. Oh, well, live and learn.

Have a great Saturday… Maybe I’ll get in another 5,000 words tonight. Fingers crossed.


The Editing Process

The worst job for a writer, well at least for this one is the editing process. I try really hard to make sure I do the best I can the first go round. Sometimes I actually go back when I finish a chapter and edit right then. It may sound redundant but it’s the way I roll. 

As I was going through my latest manuscript I was happy that it went fairly well. I have a editor that will go through it with a fine tooth comb before it goes out, but I try with all my being to make it the best it can be to start with.

Would you call that too much of a perfectionist or just lazy? I don’t know, but it works for me. If you don’t like the editing part, then try this technique. It might work for you too 🙂


Rain, Thunder, Lightning & writing…

It’s a stormy night in Georgia and this makes it the right time for me to write. I love to write when the thunder is vibrating in the air and the rain is pounding the ground outside the window. The lightning streaks across the sky and the air is electric. It inspires vampires and mysteries.

I don’t know why I get inspired to write in a storm. I guess it’s the excitement that a spring storm brings. I feel a renewed vigor for my work in process. So, if you’re living in the south then good writing and stay dry.

Back to the writing…

Sexy Vampires

It’s so crazy. When I was a child I was scared of vampires. Movies back then were catered toward fear. Now you see a vampire on a movie and nine times out of ten they are sexy, gorgeous and desirable.

Has our society decided to make them sexy. I think so. I hope so. Well, that could be because I write about vampires and they’re always sexy hunks. Can’t help it. I’ve got the sexy vampire bug. I love to watch a good or even bad vampire movie, just so it has a sexy vampire.

Take for instance Gerard Butler in ‘Vampire 2000’. Well, he’s sexy in anything he does. Then you have Robert Pattinson in Twilight. Oh don’t forget an older one, but a good one, Chris Sarandon in ‘Fright Night’. This of course is only a few. Everywhere you look there’s a new vampire show or movie. They usually have a sexy star.

It’s funny that vampires started out as horrid creatures and now women fall at their feet begging for attention. All I can say is it brings in the sales. Keep loving em’. 

Check out my vampire romance on Amazon, Smashwords, Allromance.com, Kobo and Barnes & Noble to name a few.

The name is “Sweet Seduction” By: V. Steele

Have a good one 🙂

Sweet Innocence

Good morning bloggers! If you’ve never checked out my book – “Sweet Innocence” the first book in the “My Prodigy” Trilogy, then go check it out.



When Nicole moved to Savannah she was looking for a quiet life. But she soon realizes something is different about the old southern mansion next door. She’s drawn to it by an unknown force. When she finally meets the owner, her life changes drastically. She develops a lust for him that can’t be quenched, until he kisses her and starts the fires burning. Will he be able to let her go once she knows the truth? Can she handle the truth? Will it be too much for her innocent world? Will she live through one night of passion with him?

Here’s a quick excerpt:

The night was stormy. Lightning streaked across the sky in jagged spears. Nicole lay in her bed hoping that this onslaught would soon be over. She was twenty-five years old and still didn’t like storms. The only comfort was the knowledge that her friend in the shadows was watching over her. She knew he was there, even though she couldn’t see him, in fact, she’d never really seen his face. She just knew he was somewhere near.

My books are available on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and soon Allromanceebooks.